从9月15日星期二开始,工作人员将开始沿着威尔士亲王大道(Prince of Wales Drive)在维多利亚大道(Victoria Avenue)到东门大道(Eastgate Drive)之间修建一条新的多用途通道。这条道路将改善行人和骑自行车的安全性,以及与邻近地区的连通性。

Multi-use Pathway Work Begins Prince of Wales Drive – Victoria Avenue to Eastgate Drive
September 14, 2020
Starting Tuesday, September 15, crews will begin construction of a new multi-use pathway along Prince of Wales Drive between Victoria Avenue to Eastgate Drive. This pathway will improve pedestrian and cycling safety, as well as connectivity to the neighbourhood.
To reduce the impact to drivers, work will be completed in phases and northbound traffic will be restricted to two lanes with a speed reduction. Pedestrians and cyclists are asked to avoid the construction zone.
This work is weather dependent and expected to be complete in October.
The health and safety of our employees, crews and community are top priority for the City of Regina. We are working closely with contractors and crews to ensure pandemic protocols are in place so work can be carried out in a safe and timely fashion.
The City of Regina thanks residents for their understanding and patience. Slow down and be safe. Workers and their families are relying on you.
Visit the Road Report for other traffic restrictions and closures.